MOBILIsE at the European Researcher’s Night 2024

On the 27th of September, MOBILIsE joined the European Researcher’s Night (ERN) 2024, the largest science outreach event in Europe, together with at the i3S.

The MOBILIsE booth presented four activities that illustrate how (Bio)Materials and Nanotechnology can be used to tackle medical issues with a significant impact on human health.

Activity 1: Smart materials – in a series of experiments related to organized structures of biomolecules and materials that respond to stimuli, researchers shared basic scientific contents with the public, such as “the traffic light reaction” – a reaction where the effect of the solution’s pH is observed through three successive colour changes (red, yellow, green); or the activity of separating magnetic and non-magnetic hydrogels camouflaged with food dyes by applying a magnet, in different media.

Activity 2: Production of nanoparticles using Microfluidics for controlled drug release, utilizing an optical microscope and syringe pumps.

Activity 3: Neuroexplorers – traveling through the brain. Visitors could observe microscopic preparations of various Nervous System models (brain slices / whole brain from zebrafish, mice, and rats) used by scientists in the research with nanoparticles and the development of 3D in vitro testing platforms. Behind the workstation, a video displayed the “journey” and interaction of nanoparticles with cells/tissues. 

Activity 4: Bioengineering and new antimicrobial therapies. A “Target-shooting game” where participants aimed to hit a plush H. pylori bacterium with balls representing nanoparticles. Through a funny game, participants could understand how nanotechnology is helping to combat bacterial infections. 

In the ERN, Universities and research institutes across Europe open their doors and share their work through presentations, experiments, games, discussions and other interactive formats. The event targets the general public, addressing and attracting people regardless of the level of their scientific background, with a special focus on young people and their families, pupils and students. 

The ERN takes place every year, on the last Friday of September. See you again in 2025!